Sejarah Forum Kami!!!
Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010 // by Unknown // //
Start of a friendship that did not quite understand about the world of computers ... one of them suggested something that became a useful forum for their school ... after both agreed they finally began to explore computer science from the laboratory to the classroom Prakerin 2 ... where the latter was born of a forum called Computer Mani first but after we changed our progress bulah because so quickly go to computer science was born, until the official forums with Forum_TKJ Computer Driver name, this forum was born 03 January 2008 Prakerin as soon as we'll change first. For the moment we have not been able to make something for our school because there are many organizations or specific forums still hate our forum .. but at the local schools in cyberspace but we already have a user forum much ... .. We hope our friendship will never die forever and always together ... Amien
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